attorney, author, consultant & lecturer

"One of America's toughest prosecutors …" —PARADE, 1989


All of us in this work struggle with the balance between being accessible to allies and inaccessible to enemies. If you choose to contact me, you should understand that for security reasons, your messages will be screened before they reach me. Only those having to do with furthering the work will receive a response. I do not respond to hate mail and I cannot respond to requests for legal assistance.

If you are a victim seeking any kind of advice, your best resource is usually the nearest rape crisis center which you can find in the information pages of your local phone book. In addition to crisis counseling, they tend to be a good source of referrals for other resources in your community. As difficult as it can be to negotiate unfriendly systems, please do not use the Internet to seek legal or therapeutic advice.

Thank you,
—Alice Vachss

The Email contact form has been removed due to phishing and malicious abuse.